
Innen: The-West wiki HU
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Mandarinrece (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2023. január 14., 18:34-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.
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  • Google Chrome: használd a Ctrl–Shift–R (Macen ⌘–Shift–R) billentyűkombinációt
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: tartsd nyomva a Ctrl-t, és kattints a Frissítés gombra, vagy nyomj Ctrl–F5-öt
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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
$('.tbbox-logo').wrap('<a href="/wiki/Main_Page"></a>');
if ($('.item_container').length!==0) {
    $('.item_container').each(function() {
        $(this).append('<img src="' + $(this).attr('data-url') + '">');

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if ($(this).scrollTop() > 100) {
    } else {
// Scroll body to top on click
$('#back-top a').click(function() {
        scrollTop: 0
    }, 800);
    return false;
// Embed youtube videos
if ($('.youtube_video').length !== 0) {
    $('.youtube_video').each(function() {
        $(this).html('<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="' + $(this).attr('data-id') + '?cc_load_policy=1&cc_lang_pref=' + $(this).attr('data-subtitles') + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>');

//Let's generate an input box - Criminus
$('.target_input p').each(function() {
	var id = $(this).attr('id');
	var phrase = $(this).text();
	var newInput="<input type='number' name='input_nou' value='"+phrase+"' class='target' max='9999' min='1' />";

$(document).on('keyup', 'input[name=input_nou]', function() {
  var _this = $(this);
  var min = parseInt(_this.attr('min')) || 1; // if min attribute is not defined, 1 is default
  var max = parseInt(_this.attr('max')) || 100; // if max attribute is not defined, 100 is default
  var val = parseInt(_this.val()) || (min - 1); // if input char is not a number the value will be (min - 1) so first condition will be true
  if (val < min)
  if (val > max)

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var multiplierValue = 1;
        var currentAmountsArray = [];
        $('.amount').each(function(index) {
            currentAmountsArray[index] = parseInt($(this).text());
        if ($("input[name='input_nou']").length > 0) {
            $("input[name='input_nou']").change(function() {
                multiplierValue = $(this).val();
                $('.amount').each(function(index) {
                    $(this).text(currentAmountsArray[index] * multiplierValue);
                $('.craft_extra .item_container').each(function() {

            $("input[name='input_nou']").keyup(function() {
                multiplierValue = $(this).val();
                $('.amount').each(function(index) {
                    $(this).text(currentAmountsArray[index] * multiplierValue);
                $('.craft_extra .item_container').each(function() {

//Live search through craft items - Criminus
$('.search_craft p').each(function() {
	var id = $(this).attr('id');
	var phrase = $(this).text();
	var newInput="<input type='text' id='live_search' name='craft_search' value='"+phrase+"' class='craft_search' />";

$("#live_search").on("keyup", function() {
    var value = $(this).val();
    $("table tr").each(function(index) {
        if (index !== 0) {
            $row = $(this);
            var id = $.map($row.find('td .item_container'), function(element) {
                return $(element).attr("data-popup")
            }).join(' ');
            if (id.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) < 0) {
            } else {

//Myterious potion calculator - Sam 
mw.config.set( 'tableSorterCollation', {'à':'a', 'â':'a', 'æ':'ae', 'é':'e', 'è':'e', 'ê':'e', 'î':'i', 'ï':'i', 'ô':'o', 'œ':'oe', 'û':'u', 'ç':'c',  } );
if ($('#calcLvlLoss').length !== 0) {
  var context = $('#calcLvlLoss');
  var input_character_level = $('<input type="number" style="width:150px;" class="west" placeholder="Szint" min="0" max="150">').bind("propertychange keyup input paste", function() {
    if (this.value > 150) {
      this.value = 150;
    } else if (this.value < 0) {
      this.value = 0;
  var input_duel_level = $('<input type="number" style="width:150px;" class="west" placeholder="Párbajszint" min="0" max="450">').bind("propertychange keyup input paste", function() {
    if (this.value > 450) {
      this.value = 450;
    } else if (this.value < 0) {
      this.value = 0;
  function calcLvlLoss() {
    var duel_lvl = parseInt(input_duel_level.val()),
      char_lvl = parseInt(input_character_level.val());
    if (isNaN(duel_lvl) || isNaN(char_lvl) || duel_lvl < char_lvl) {
    } else {
      var getXp = function(lvl) {
          return Math.ceil(Math.pow((lvl) / 0.1, 1 / 0.6));
        getLvl = function(xp, perc) {
          return char_lvl + Math.floor(Math.pow(xp * (perc || 1), 0.6) * 0.1);
      var minXp = getXp(duel_lvl - char_lvl),
        maxXp = duel_lvl === 450 ? '∞' : getXp(duel_lvl + 1 - char_lvl),
        minLvl = getLvl(minXp, 0.9),
        maxLvl = duel_lvl === 450 ? 450 : getLvl(maxXp, 0.9);
      context.find('.result').html('Aktuális párbajtapasztalat: ' + minXp + ' - ' + maxXp + '<br/>Párbajszint a főzet felhasználása után: ' + minLvl + (maxLvl > minLvl ? ' - ' + maxLvl : ''));

//calculate box - n3mesis
if ($('.calculate_box').length) {