„Sablon:3040n” változatai közötti eltérés

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(Új oldal, tartalma: „{{info|Hey, I see that the coffee is already on the table. We should become partners! Why do you run with a revolver like a sheriff, if you can be here with me? So what…”)
(Nincs különbség)

A lap 2018. augusztus 24., 12:14-kori változata

Hey, I see that the coffee is already on the table. We should become partners! Why do you run with a revolver like a sheriff, if you can be here with me? So what, it's cooking time? This time Maya decided to help you in the kitchen. It is true that she spoke more than she did, but thanks to that you know all gossip from the city. You learned that the sheriff was meeting with the daughter of a farmer. However, Maya thinks that nothing will come of it. The sheriff always has a crush on her, so he will not marry another. Henry is very much relaxed. It is true that he visited the saloon in floral wreaths, but on the beach he puts on flower pants for!? You also learned that the doctor who came here in the winter plans to get married. Eh ... at least time has passed quickly. At some point Maya decided to learn how to fry a fish. She went to the fire and set the pan. After a while you could smell the smoke. It's burning. {PLAYER_NAME} Fire, fire in the kichen!